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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Mos humb kohen kot duke dhene shpjegime se ne fund te fundit njerezit degjojne ate cfare duan te degjojne.~Paulo Coelho

Don't waste your time with explanations. People only hear what they want to hear. ~ Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Video shume inspiruese...
Dashuria e pashprehur është si vera në shishe, nuk ta shuan etjen. ~Keshilla te mencura

Non expressed love is like the wine in a bottle, it doesn't quenches your thirst. ~Keshilla te mencura

Dashuria ndonjëherë mund të jetë magji. Magjia ndonjëherë mund të jetë iluzion. ~Keshilla te mencura

Love can sometimes be like magic but sometimes magic is just an illusion.~Keshilla te mencura

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kur në një përqafim ndjen atë që ke nevojë,do të thotë që midis krahëve ke personin e duhur.~ Keshilla te mencura 

When in a hug you feel what you want to feel, that's mean he is the right person.~ Keshilla te mencura 

Gjerat e bukura ndodhin kur jeni dy.~ Keshilla te mencura 

Beautiful things happen when you are two.~ Keshilla te mencura 

Monday, February 18, 2013

Kur gjysma ha gjysmen e tera s'eshte me.~ Ismail Kadare

When half eat half entire doesn't exist anymore.~ Ismail Kadare

Friday, February 15, 2013

Mos u merakos shume per ate qe te mungon, por per ate qe e ke.~ Keshilla te mencura

 Don't worry for the thing you don't have;  worry for the one you have.~ Keshilla te mencura

Qeni me dy padron vdes nga uria.~ Keshilla te mencura

dog with two owners die from hunger. ~ Keshilla te mencura

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Vdes, vetem ajo dashuri per te cilen nuk enderrohet me.~Pedro Salinas

dies only the love you don't dream anymore.~Pedro Salinas

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Te dua, jo vetem per ate qe je, por per ate qe une jam kur jam me ty.~ Roy Croft

I love you not only for what you are but for what i am when I'm with you.~ Roy Croft

 Nese di te besh nje vajze te qeshe,mund t'i besh cdo gje :) ~Marilyn Monroe

If you you can make a woman laugh, you can make her do anything :)  ~Marilyn Monroe

Mos u lodh te kuptosh gjithcka,sepse shpesh here nuk rendesi te kuptosh por te pranosh.~ Keshilla te mencura

Don't try to understand everything, because sometimes it is not  meant to me understood but to be accepted. Keshilla te mencura

Jeto bukur,enderro plot pasion,dashuro totalisht.~ Keshilla te mencura

Live beautifully, dream passionately, love completely.~ Keshilla te mencura

Asnjehere nuk duhet ta marresh jeten aq seriozisht sa te harrosh te luash.~ Keshilla te Mencura

Never take seriously the life and forget to play.~ Keshilla te Mencura


Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sot gjithe dita ka qene nje hic,dje gjithashtu,pardje gjithashtu.~K.Dardha

Friday, February 8, 2013

Prit me te miren.Pregatitu per me te keqen. ~Zig Ziglar

Expect the best. Prepare for the worst. Capitalize on what comes. ~Zig Ziglar


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ndienjat ndryshojne, kujtimet jo.~ Joel Alexander

Feelings change, memories don't.~ Joel Alexander


Per te kuptuar vleren e NJE SEKONDE pyesni dike qe sapo i shpetoi nje aksidenti.~ Keshilla te mencura
Per te kuptuar vleren e NJE MINUTI pyesni dike qe sapo ka humbur trenin.~ Keshilla te mencura
Per te kuptuar vleren e NJE ORE pyesni nje te dashuruar qe pret te dashuren e tij.~ Keshilla te mencura
Per te kuptuar vleren e NJE JAVE pyesni nje publikues te nje reviste nje-javore.~Keshilla te mencura
Per te kuptuar vleren e NJE MUAJI pyesni nje nene qe ka sjelle ne jete nje femije te parakohshem.~Keshilla te mencura

To appreciate the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.~Keshilla te mencura

Per te kuptuar vleren e NJE VITI  pyesni  nje student qe ka bere nje vit stazh.~ Keshilla te mencura

To understand a importance of ONE YEAR, must ask a student who has lost a year of studies. ~ Keshilla te mencura


Une gjithmone e kam ditur se ne qofte se shoh lotet mund te gjej arsye te qesh,por asnjehere nuk e dija se mund te  qaja kur te shihja buzeqeshje.~Keshilla te mencura

Asnjehere mos u trego njerezve per problemet e tua.20% prej tyre nuk duan t'ia dine dhe 80% e tyre jane gezuar qe ti i ke keto probleme.~ Lou Holtz

Never tell your problems to anyone. 20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.~ Lou Holtz

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Kur dikush te gjuan me gur,ti gjuaji me lule.Por sigurohu qe lulja te jete bashke me vazon :) ~ Keshilla te mencura

If someone throws a stone to you, throw a flower at him, but make sure to throw the flower pot with it.~ Keshilla te mencura