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Monday, February 29, 2016

Leonardo Di Caprio oscar awards

Let us not take this planet for granted. ~ Leonardo DiCaprio


Le te punojme per planetin tone, e te mos e marim si te falur. ~ Leonardo DiCaprio

Sunday, February 28, 2016

We have found in internet 20 beautiful photos and we think to expose to you. Enjoy :)

1. A riverside church captured in morning mist

2. Happy cat :)

3. The beautiful color of a forest in autumn

4.  The crystal  shore of Papua province, Indonesia

5.   Amazing  Assiniboine mountains, Canada


6.  Little  baby kangaroo

7.  Sky window


9. Sunset

10.   Some things are better done together

11.   Early riser

12. In special cases, you can wash black and white together. Only in special cases :D

13.  Heavenly mountains

14.   No need for a DNA test :)

15. Three curious dogs  in  three degrees of curiosity


16.  An arctic fox

17.   Well-disciplined seagulls in a row

18.   Zakynthos Island, Greece

19.  This beautiful grandma  observes the arrival of Johnny Depp :)

20. A rabbit sleeping

20 fotot qe kemi mbledhur ne internet per te cilat mendojme se jane te vecanta. Shijojini :)

Motivational quote...(Thenie Motivuese)

Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day.~ Keshilla te Mencura

Cdo dite mund te mos jete e bukur, por ka dicka te bukur ne cdo dite.~ Keshilla te Mencura

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Man is like mathematics . Do not be surprised if you see him with two unknown :)~ Keshilla te Mencura

Mashkulli eshte si matematika. Mos u çudit nese e sheh me dy te panjohura :) ~ Keshilla te Mencura

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Robin Sharma

Be so good at what you do that no one else in the world can do what you do. ~ Robin Sharma

Perfeksionohu ne ate qe ben aq shume sa asnjeri tjeter ne bote mos ta bej sic e ben ti.  ~ Robin Sharma

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Talk to yourself like you would to someone you LOVE. ~Brene Brown

Foli vetes tende ashtu sic do i flisje dikujt qe dashuron.~Brene Brown

Mistakes are proof that you are trying. ~Keshilla te mencura

Gabimet jane prova qe ti po perpiqesh. ~Keshilla te mencura

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Ismail Kadare ka thene. (Quote by Ismail Kadare)

If an animal has to be sacrificed when a new bridge is built, what will it take to build a whole new world? ~ Ismail Kadare

Nese nje kafshe sakrifikohet kur ndertohet nje ure, cfare ndodh nese ndertojme nje bote te tere.~ Ismail Kadare